Funny Short Notes to Give to Strangers
You might think that handwritten notes are less popular now that almost everyone has access to a smartphone. However, you'd be wrong! Nothing beats a pen and paper when it's time to tell someone exactly what you think. Whether it's handing in your resignation, telling someone to learn how to park their car, or a message for everyone in the office, notes still reign supreme. Check out this list of hilarious notes left by strangers to strangers.
For the Attention of Everyone
Notes are pretty commonplace when it comes to office life. Think about it — offices are a mishmash of people with different habits and behaviors, and everyone is sharing multiple spaces. Plus, there's bound to be an office nitpicker who gets irritated if people don't follow the rules.
Whoever left this note was clearly sick of encountering other people's business. It seems that the office really got behind this note, with everyone drawing a tick to show their agreement, or perhaps they're just taking the note too literally…
Sorry to Say
This unusual and hilarious note was left on a street light in someone's neighborhood, and addressed to everyone that lives there. It seems that an enthusiastic and romantic husband decided to put a love note on his wife's car. Unfortunately for him — and his wife — he accidentally left the note on a different car entirely.
It's nice that this man has taken the time to tell everyone about his late-night snafu. We're especially glad he clarified that he's not in love with anyone else…aside from his wife, of course.
Drinks for Daves
Here we have a battle of the notes, where one note leaver outsmarted another. It seems that someone is stealing Dave's green tea, prompting Dave to leave a passive-aggressive note asking, "Is your name Dave?"
It seems that Dave should have just written a note reading "Don't drink my green tea" because another Dave decided to get in on the action. Dave number two then leaves his own note, pointing out the loophole in original Dave's message.
Tic Tac Strikes Again
Some notes don't need a lot of detail or information. Some notes just need to tell someone that a horse named Tic Tac urinated on their vehicle. After all, what else could this note owner write? Presumably, the owner of this pee-soaked car doesn't want more details about how or why a passing horse decided to use their vehicle as a horsey bathroom.
We're pleased to see that Tic Tac's owner, Stan, decided to leave $50 to contribute towards a thorough car wash.
A Very Close Call
When you park in somebody's reserved parking space, there are a range of reactions they might have. They might assume it was a mistake, politely inform you the next day, and get on with their lives.
Or, they might become incensed with you, plan their revenge, and then leave you a warning note telling you what your fate would be should you park there again. This note threatens revenge via Vaseline and tow truck. This person means business.
He Will Run Out
Sometimes, one note just isn't enough, especially when it comes to that one big cat that tricks people into letting him out. This cat owner started off with a note that simply told guests not to let the cats out. That mustn't have been enough, because then they added another note with further warning — these cats will run!
Finally, a third note warns that the big cat will pretend to be uninterested but not to fall for his tricks. Hopefully, there aren't more notes underneath the door handle.
Truth Be Told
This note is excellent. It tells the reader exactly what happened in order for it to be created, and shares the note writer's thought process, too. It seems that someone hit another vehicle, and then decided to leave a note to come clean about it.
However, in that situation, people usually leave their contact details so that they can compensate the other driver for any damage. That doesn't seem to be the plan here, because whoever wrote this note judged the other driver to be rich enough already.
Do Not Feed the Programmers
There are lots of creative ways to tell people not to enter your workspace. You could ask them nicely, or give a practical reason for them not to enter. But, would that grab their attention? Would it properly prepare them for the workspace they're intent on entering?
This note definitely makes people stop before entering the room. Much like zoo animals, the creatures behind this door need lots of warning, and some calming music to get used to guests.
All About the Font
As font sticklers ourselves, we're thrilled that someone posted this note in response to another note. After all, why have one note when you can have two? It seems that someone in a Fortune 500 company (lest we forget) posted this sign telling people to keep the door closed.
It's worth pointing out that they used six exclamation points in this first note. In response, someone else from the company rightly criticized their use of the Comic Sans font, because it should be banned.
Committing to Quitting
When it comes to resignation notes, maybe the bosses at a bunch of chain restaurants are excited when one of their disgruntled employees finally dares to leave. Perhaps these employers are eagerly awaiting the next sympathy card, furiously scrawled note, or hastily drawn doodle. It's bound to break up the day.
For her resignation note, Bella drew a picture of her newly unemployed face and a proud declaration that she's "a quitter." You go get it, Bella!
Sometimes, You Just Hafta
This is an excellent note because you can hear exactly how the person who wrote it sounds. It seems that Tom is handing in his two weeks' notice, and has transferred his nervousness to the letter he left for boss Doug.
Or, maybe Tom is just sick and tired of whatever field he's been working in, and wants Doug to know that he just doesn't care. The fact that Tom opens his resignation letter with "yyyyeah" suggests that perhaps Doug has been expecting it.
Sorry for Your Loss
Here's yet another creative resignation letter, this time from Alex, who definitely has a sense of humor. Everyone who works a part-time job knows that you're supposed to give your boss two weeks' notice when you decide to leave. However, many workers have lost interest by the time they decide actually to leave.
By then, they aren't bothered if their resignation note seems cheeky — they just want out of there! We commend this sympathy card; full points for creativity!
An Icy Message
This note left for a stranger, by a stranger, doesn't even require a pen and paper! This creative note maker made use of their environment, creating a note on top of the very thing they're complaining about.
After all, what's worse than someone leaving their car in a selfish or dangerous place? And how else can you tell them how annoying they are? Hopefully, there wasn't more snow by the time this car owner made their way back to their vehicle.
Make Your Choice
In horror franchise Saw, John Kramer — or Jigsaw — communicates with his test subjects using Billy the puppet, a tricycle riding ventriloquist's dummy (creepy, right)? The owner of this car has decided to use Billy to speak to the traffic warden, and has left tons of parking tickets scattered along his windshield.
Presumably, the game is that the traffic warden has to search through the pile of tickets until they find the one that allows the car to park in that area. Fun!
Say it With Cake
We've already seen some great resignation notes, but this one really takes the cake (see what we did there)? This airport worker — also known as Mr. Cake — decided to quit his job using the medium of cake. Not only that, but Mr. Cake also used his cake resignation to advertise his cake business, and to give the gift of cake.
We're impressed by the eloquent language on this cake resignation, as well as the very precise icing. We wish Mr. Cake all the best in his future cake endeavors!
Spelling it Out
Is there anything more annoying than someone parking their car right in the middle of the assigned spaces in a parking lot? Obviously, clearly, and blatantly, the painted lines in parking lots show where cars are supposed to go.
They're designed that way so the maximum amount of cars can safely fit in an allocated area. It's not rocket science. For some drivers, this doesn't seem to matter. Thankfully, someone left a note in chalk for this selfish person.
And Now My Watch Begins
Honestly, we're surprised that notes like this aren't more common. In the age of streaming, everyone is watching TV shows at different times, and for some shows in particular, that's a big risk.
Of course, when Game of Thrones was still airing every week, people discussed each episode at length the very next day. Clearly, whoever left this note needed everyone around them to know that they were not interested in hearing any show related conversation.
Who Let the Dogs Out?
When it comes to pets, and keeping them safe, notes can be essential. Some households need everyone to keep the toilet lid down so that their cat won't drink from the toilet bowl. Others need everyone to tidy their food scraps away, so their hungry Labrador doesn't sweep up the leftovers.
In this household, the door needs to stay closed in order to keep Rusty, the AC, and Jay inside. We think at least one of those is an animal.
Dealing Vigilante Justice
From the look of this note, we can confidently say that somebody is trying to wriggle their way out of jury service. In order to do this, people have to seem unwell, be struggling in their personal lives, be an expert on the subject at hand, or just have a bad attitude.
This jury duty dodger is declaring that they plan to make a costume before having the opportunity to "deal vigilante justice unto those evildoers." Good job all around.
Optimus Prime Says So
One of the best ways to make a note a little less threatening is to include a fictional character. Telling someone their parking is "horrible" is one thing, but having a fictional extraterrestrial species of sentient self-configuring modular robot do it, is another.
What we're saying is, as long as you can draw a rudimentary approximation of a fictional character, you can get away with saying whatever you want. Even better, write, "[the character] disapproves," and they'll take the blame, rather than you.
Framing the Problem
We have to hand it to this note maker, as their creative frame note is reusable, to the point, and quite funny. Basically, this note is made up of a piece of paper with a hole cut out of the center.
When placed on top of some dirty dishes, it perfectly frames the problem at hand, making it impossible to ignore. The caption makes this note even better, as it makes the whole thing feel like an anti-inspirational poster.
Spoons and Scoops Only
Isn't is strange to get a sneak peek into other people's realities? Here we are, all living our lives while some people, somewhere, use a spoon scoop to get a spoon from a drawer. Don't get us wrong — we totally understand the hygiene reasons behind not wanting a bunch of grimy fingers on your cutlery.
But, a spoon scoop? Really? There's bound to be a better way to store and access spoons than this. We'd bet all of our spoons on it.
An Insincere Apology
We applaud whoever wrote this resignation letter to a boss that sounds absolutely awful. This understandably disgruntled former employee has used this note to express all of her pent up emotion, and included a hefty dose of sarcasm for good measure.
It seems that this person's boss has been criticizing the fact that they had to skip work due to a family emergency. Our favorite part of this angry masterpiece is the final sentence. Mic drop, and out.
Just Messing With You
Sometimes, the best things in life are the simplest. That's why we adore this small but effective note left by a stranger. It's not a huge essay, it's not a detailed message — it's just a piece of yellow card pretending to be a parking ticket. It's a prank note, and we have to praise that.
We hope that whoever found this on their windshield repurposed it and put it on somebody else's. This little rectangle card could bring so much happiness — or fear.
Not Great With Words
In the case of this stripped-back note, an employee was told they had to submit a letter of resignation in order to leave their job. Either this person doesn't have much to say, or they didn't enjoy their time working there. Whatever happened, this letter tells us all we need to know.
Perhaps this note should have included the date, or the person's name. But, hey — they were asked for a resignation letter, and they submitted one. Job done.
Asking for It
Offices are tricky places to navigate. You have to share various working spaces, though you probably have a pleasant enough rapport with most people in there. Still, your coworkers aren't your friends, and they do have some pretty irritating habits.
This person left a rather threatening note in the shared office kitchen, declaring, "People know not to touch my mug." Well, the people had something to say about that, and posted a note of their own. Completely deserved and beautifully executed.
Time for the Truth
With the amount of passive-aggressive resignation notes on this list, we're starting to feel a little sorry for the bosses involved. Just kidding — we absolutely don't. These bosses deserve these emotionally fraught resignations, and much worse, to be honest.
The person who wrote this note has gone for a sarcastic tone that matches their burning rage. They've kindly spelled out all the ways they are a great employee, and then signed off with an insincere "Good luck with everything."
Carly Rae Is Calling
In 2012, pop star Carly Rae Jepson released catchy hit "Call My Maybe," and ever since then, people have been using its lyrics in their own notes and jokes. It's a testament to the song that people keep switching its lyrics to suit their own needs.
It seems that "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy" is just the ideal opening line for all sorts of situations. In this case, the lyric is used to chastise someone for blocking their neighbor's driveway.
Ghosts of Grumpy Cat
The original Grumpy Cat was a feline named Tardar Sauce, with an underbite and a case of dwarfism. This caused the cat's face to look permanently grumpy, birthing thousands of memes, lolcats, and parodies. Sadly, the world had to say goodbye to Grumpy Cat in 2019, but her unamused spirit lives on.
Here she is in a note left for yet another bad driver. As we've learned, including a fictional character in an angry note is a good strategy for not causing a real fight.
The Perfect Couch Guest
This scrawled note is a little difficult to make out, but it's worth it to see what Andy — the guy on the couch — has to say. It seems that Andy, who is likely a complete stranger, spent the night on someone's couch and then woke up and got to work.
Lovely Andy washed the dishes, took out the trash, and even cleaned the stove. Best of all, he drew a picture for his hosts, just to make the whole thing a little weirder.
Obviously Broke Already
In the USA, each state has its own rules for parking. In many cases, people with physical disabilities need to apply for a sticker that they then display in their car. When displayed, this sticker allows them to park closer to buildings, or for free.
This note left for a traffic warden is pleading in its tone. Apparently, this car owner is waiting for their parking sticker in the mail, and constantly receiving parking tickets in the meantime. Hopefully, this warden has a heart.
We Can All Play
When it comes to notes left for strangers, these post-it style "Really?" notes are top quality. Somebody must have left one of these accusing stickies on a dirty cup, and then everyone else in the office decided to join in.
What we want to know is if the first person made a big stack of these notes and then left them lying around for everybody to find. Or, did everyone make their own replicas? Either way, they're reusable!
Watch Your Tone With Me
The person that wrote this angry note for a stranger was clearly in a pretty bad mood. It almost seems like they had a full-on angry rant with the person in their head, and then transcribed their feelings word for word.
It's great that people can fit so much emotion into such a small space. With the use of some capital letters and an exclamation point, this person has really communicated how livid they are.
Employees Rise Up
At this point, there should be a hall of fame for employees that have left angry notes for their employers. These workers have had enough, and they've spewed out their true feelings on handwritten notes, with no fear of the repercussions.
The employee that wrote this note was sick of waiting for his boss to arrive, and furious that he didn't even receive a phone call. Upon writing and posting his note, the worker then left the shop and went home.
The Important Details
This note left for a stranger is both detailed and familiar. Upon reading it, you almost can't help but like the person who wrote it. Think about it — this person could have hit someone's mailbox and just posted their name and number. That wouldn't be much fun, would it?
Thankfully, this person was dodging a squirrel, and filled his neighbor in on that very important detail. How could you be mad at property damage when a sweet, little squirrel is involved?
What a Deal!
It seems like no matter where you shop these days, there is some laminated tag that includes all the essential details about the product in question. Like how much it weighs, how much it can store and how many years warranty it has, etc.
Never in our lives though have we seen an anonymous message from an absolute stranger added to this kind of tag. Also, it appears that it is a sneaky little resignation note from whoever used to work here.
Here's a Tip for You!
In many countries, it is common courtesy to add a tip after receiving at least on par service from a waiter or waitress. It is becoming increasingly common though for customers to provide all kinds of complaints about the seemingly poor service they received as opposed to some kind of gratuity fee.
Truth be told though, we can't argue with the following customer. They were right to call out the water for only look at his wife the entire time.
Good to Know Dude
When using a public bathroom, the last thing we want to receive is some kind of a note from an anonymous source. Sure, coworkers are technically not strangers, but this guy had no idea who wrote the following note!
Sometimes, it's just a case of "out of sight, out of mind." There is something about the red-colored lettering that really gives us a sweat. But we are sure that the guy just conveniently had a red pen at his disposal.
Bittersweet Message
Don't you just hate it when someone has the hots for you in class and they can't even muster up the courage to say "hi" in person? Instead, they have to write some nonsense on a note. And then, you might not even find out who wrote the darn thing.
We can imagine Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother writing this kind of cheesy pickup line on a note. But the likelihood is that it was just some random classmate of this poor victim.
More Like, Raggamuffin
Receiving a note from a stranger is one thing, but to have one of your belongings returned to you with it is another thing entirely. Imagine if you returned home one day, only to find that your doorknob had been removed, preventing you from entering your own house!
That's what happened when this person got home one day. It turns out that the person who returned it chewed it off because they thought it was a muffin!
That Should Teach 'Em
Ladies and gentlemen here is a little piece of advice that we are sure will help you avoid a turn of unfortunate situations along the way, especially if you drive a car: don't leave your car door open and unattended.
Otherwise, some crazy stranger might come along, put something that belongs to them all over your car furniture and write a note to confirm this! We decided to blur out the keyword in this note, so please use your imagination!
What a Puzzling Note
It seems like the following person discovered this note while pouring out their soul to someone while sitting at a bar one night. Apparently, the poor individual admitted that they didn't have it all figured out and that they needed some serious direction in life.
Thankfully, a stranger came along and left this note, suggesting that they weren't as lost as they thought. Also, they suggested with some cheeky graphics that maybe they were the missing piece to the puzzle that is this person's life.
Rise of the Machines
We are not entirely sure if this note qualifies to be included in this list. After all, can a printer qualify as a stranger? It seems like this printer explicitly wants people to know that it was them who typed out the note.
Of course, we know better and know that some co-worker simply masked themselves as the printer, and gave them a letter of "resignation" after the printer stopped working. It's pretty clever, but also a bit too long.
Cutest Dropper of Eaves Ever
Sometimes, we just need a little pick-me-up to get back on our feet and get on with our lives. If this young lady doesn't feel better after receiving this note from someone, we don't know what will.
There will come a time when someone overhears you in a public setting complaining how much your life sucks. Let's hope that they have the compassion to simply write an anonymous note to you to reassure you that everything will be OK.
Bar Issues
Sometimes, we might have no choice but to throw in the towel and say, "enough is enough, I need to quit this job." There might be times when someone at work is making you have a terrible time and upper management simply won't do anything about it.
So what can you do other than decide to move on? At least this guy had the common courtesy to alert the next customer that someone would be with them shortly.
Jurassic Work
We don't know for sure why this person felt like drawing a cartoon dinosaur would be enough to qualify as their resignation letter.
Maybe it was a way of symbolizing how they felt like they had been working at the company for millions of years and now was the time for the Ice Age – aka, time to freeze this period of their lives. We don't know. All we do know is that this is kind of funny and not as brutal as what he could have written.
Pay it Forward
Sometimes, strangers aren't trying to passive-aggressively complain at you and sometimes, not even trying to ask you out on a date. On the rarest of occasions, they might be simply trying to extend some help to you and give you some kindness to help you improve your life just a little bit.
This person was kind enough to attach some money to the note in order for the recipient to "pay it forward." Kudos to them for trusting this person they don't even know!
Monster Munch
To be fair, even though these maintenance guys provided their names after their time spent at this person's home, they still qualify as strangers, which makes this note qualify for this list!
At first, their notes on the maintenance seemed to be pretty formal and sensible. This was until they mentioned the word "monster" and threw the customer for a loop! What do you mean that there is a monster in the attic?!
From One Bookworm to Another
Do you know what's still an awesome place to meet someone with who you could potentially go out on a date? That's right folks, the library. After all, they don't just call it "hitting the books" for nothing.
There is nothing more stimulating than finding someone who is intelligent and knows their way with words. Imagine opening a book you liked to find a note with the following anonymous message! We'd be running around the library as quickly as possible!
Secret Admirer Alert
When anyone positively comments on your for your looks, you know that your day is going to improve considerably from that day onward. This woman couldn't believe her luck when she returned to her car to find this beautiful note.
Sure, she's married with kids and is deeply in love with her husband. But still, it's nice to get compliments wherever they might come from. It's good to know that strangers still find her attractive!
Too Much Information
For some reason, some people think that rules don't apply to them. These people think that they can explain their way out of things, somehow pulling out a reason that tops all others. The person who left this note must be one of those people because they pre-emptively explained their way around a parking ticket.
Don't get us wrong — we recognize that a bathroom trip can be an urgent matter. However, part of us hopes this person got a ticket.
This Is a Community Announcement
The first thing we notice about this note left for strangers is the strange font choice. Why would such a message be delivered in such a font? Doesn't this look more like the pamphlet you get when you enter a funeral home?
Anyway, this note was posted by a group of neighbors who needed to inform another neighbor that they were getting more than they bargained for. It turns out the frosted glass in that person's bathroom wasn't precisely installed correctly.
Why Do You Come Here?
We'll admit that we laughed out loud when we read this note for a stranger. We have so many questions. The person who wrote this note apparently goes to Costa every day for a cup of coffee, and absolutely detests the coffee-making skills (or non-skills) of one of the baristas.
For some reason (who knows what), this person felt the need to leave a note for this barista, informing them of just how awful they are at their job.
And I'm Out
Of all the resignation notes we've seen so far, this one goes pretty easy on the employer at hand. It appears that employee Elizabeth has decided to leave her part-time job, and got a little creative when crafting her resignation letter.
Politely, Elizabeth begins by thanking her employer for the "wonderful time" she had working there. Less politely, she draws a microphone on the floor, and explains that it's a mic drop. And with that, she's out.
The Book Bandit
This note left for strangers is a tale of two parts, starting off upbeat and uplifting, and ending on a more combative tone. Sam has put together a friendly neighbor library, where people can share their books for free. That all sounds lovely so far.
However, as a post-script, Sam tells readers of his note that a lady driving a gold Sedan keeps robbing the library blind, taking every single book. Sam threatens mean glares. We got you, Sam.
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